How to place a tender
The electronic platform of business cooperation allows placing orders for the procurement of inventory, equipment, services, purchase of land plots and production facilities, personnel hiring, and other areas related to the development of production.
In response, you receive offers from platform members, and will be able to evaluate them and choose a supplier. Placing orders on the electronic platform of business cooperation, you expand the list of potential partners and have the opportunity to choose the best offer. The electronic business cooperation platform does not imply the conclusion of a contract for the purchase/supply of goods or services. All financial and legal issues are resolved by the parties in person.
Instructions for working with the system electronic business cooperation
1. The electronic platform of business cooperation makes it possible to place orders in different areas, and also to participate in them. Orders can be created for such purposes:
- the procurement of goods and services,
- the development of innovative technologies and research,
- the purchase or sale of immovable property,
- purchase or rental of equipment,
- personnel hiring,
- getting consultations or commercial offers.
All these directions are reflected in the platform menu:
2. To start working on the electronic platform of business cooperation, you need to register. To do this, click the "Log in" button.
3. After that you need to fill out the registration form
4. Registration gives you the opportunity to enter your Personal account. The button will appear in the upper right corner. Notification of the registration will be sent to your e-mail.
5. Contact the moderator from whom you received the message if you have questions related to the work in the system. Also you may use the "Ask a question" button.
6. Starting to work in your personal account, fill in the "Requisite Details" and "Company" sections.
7. Through the personal account you will get an access to all services of the system, they are listed in the left column of the menu.
- The button "Create procedure*" will allow you to place your orders;
-the "My procedures" will show you a list of placed orders, the number of views and the current status of the order;
-the "Following" section will allow you to subscribe to interesting orders (individual company or an entire industry/several industries);
- In the "Notifications" and "Messages" sections you will see messages from system users and moderators;
-In the "Call Log" section you will see detailed information about requests received in response to orders you placed;
- In the "Archive" section you will store information about all procedures that you placed or in which you participated.
- The" Statistics" section will show the number of procedures you have placed in the system, the number of applications you have pending and the number of completed procedures.
* a procedure is information placed by you in the system that requires further action (for example, an order to buy something, an offer to outsource, etc.)
8. You may see the orders placed in the system by clicking on the appropriate section of the menu or using the "Search". Also you may subscribe to orders of a particular company or to orders of the relevant industry in your personal account. You can also subscribe through your personal account (the "Following" section in the left column of the Personal account menu). Your subscriptions appear in the "Favorites" section.
9. You may place information in other sections of the site ("Equipment", "Exchange of consulting", "Commercial offer"," Immovable property") by clicking on the appropriate section of the menu.